Holistic Treatment for Depression

Okay, so last week I discussed more formal treatment for diagnosed depression, now let’s discuss some things you can do in COMBO w/ meds and/or therapy. Depression usually stems from a lack or non-absorption of serotonin in our brain. Recent research shows that serotonin (the chemical in charge of helping us feel happy) is first absorbed in the gut AND also is released when we exercise & have sex (yup!)
SO healing any gut issues can significantly help your mood, and eating fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, or apple cider vinegar helps to heal said gut issues. Eating foods that boost your serotonin levels like turkey, avocado, cheese or nuts can also help boost your mood. Going for a walk, or doing cardio will often help release serotonin in the body. Not all exercises release the same amount of serotonin, but feeling proud of yourself for moving your body can’t hurt. If you are feeling in an emotional rut, try calm, slowed movement like swimming, walking, yoga, pilates, or even rebounding. Activities that raise your heart rate like running, HIIT, fast paced strength training or heavy weight lifting are great for when you feel restless and need to relieve energy, or feeling anxious. Play around with how you move your body, try different exercises to help or aid yourself or shift your mood. AND notice your mood after you have exercised. Rather than looking at body movement as a means to an end (like losing weight), try to look at how it can provide your body with something it needs, like some good ole’ mood boosting serotonin- not to mention THE SWEAT.

A good test for if you need medication is to try these remedies & see if you notice an increase in your mood. No? Then you may want to seek more medication-based treatment and there is nothing wrong with that.
TAKEAWAY - do you notice a low mood when you’ve eaten crappy or haven’t moved your body in some time? Start to monitor your mood in relation to what you eat and the movement you do. Even a short walk can make a world of difference.

***Originally Posted February 1st 2019 on LVLHolistic’s Instagram page as a collaborative presentation regarding mental health and nutrition***


Self Esteem Part 1


Depression Treatment