
We can feel depressed for **so** many reasons: life changes, a lack of self-esteem or even a chemical imbalance which may need meds (I’ll post more on this topic later). Even something as simple as the changing weather, limited sunlight and the end of the holiday season can also make us feel blue & sluggish.
Depression can be caused by various things, but here’s what it TENDS to look like: feeling slow, foggy, struggling to feel motivated or not enjoying things you used to. Eating too much or not enough. Sleeping too much or not enough. Struggling with memory or concentration. Not feeling as connected to others or like the world is running past you in super speed while you’re walking through mud. Having a lot of negative thoughts about yourself or a lack of hope is also common. Sometimes feeling like you don’t really want to live anymore can be a part of feeling depressed. People also tend to have physical symptoms such as bodily aches or stomach pains.
If you’re looking in from the outside, you may think someone who is depressed is being lazy, negative, boring or forgetful. BUT they actually may need your help & understanding.
TAKEAWAY - How do you know when you’re feeling depressed? What signs do you have?

***Originally Posted January 20th 2019 on LVLHolistic’s Instagram page as a collaborative presentation regarding mental health and nutrition***


Depression Treatment


Finding a Good Therapist Fit