Self Esteem Part 3

Alright, we are getting a handle on loving and accepting ourselves, but what about when others ask us to do things that make us uncomfortable? Exactly! We can treat ourselves nicely till the cows come home but if we allow others to use us or mistreat us then we are still stuck. Shit, huh? Well there are some things you can do, try a short detox from these people/situations. Perhaps that friend that always makes you feel a bit bad about yourself, maybe take some time from seeing them. In addition to taking some space, try advocating for yourself in ways you haven’t before. Ask for a mistake to be fixed when you go out to eat or at a coffee shop. Ask someone to let you through when they are blocking your way. Tell that friend that you politely decline helping them move, since you have Netflix plans. Tell your boss (respectfully) that you are not comfortable with performing that task that you’ve haven’t been trained for. Or the like. Try 1 thing that overall advocates for you, and expresses to others your ability to acknowledge your weaknesses and strengths w/o apology. Rather than feeling embarrassed of any part of yourself and therefore feel that you have to compensate or make up for any shortcomings. Guess what! You don’t

So don’t hesitate to ask that store clerk for help, don’t feel obligated to buy your friend’s latte bc you were 5 minutes late, and don’t shy away from asking for your needs to be met in any of your relationships!! The best way to feel self-love is to ask others to treat us well and let go of the things/people who don’t!

***Originally Posted March 7th 2019 on LVLHolistic’s Instagram page as a collaborative presentation regarding mental health and nutrition***


Grief Part 1


Self Esteem Part 2